The Nelson Aero Club was formed on 28 September 1932 and has had over 85 years of operation.
The Aero Club first operated from what is now Saxton Field and moved to the airport site in the late 1930’s, although activity ceased during the Second World War. The club has occupied different buildings on the airport site until finally moving to the current hangar in February 1996.
The club has an excellent safety record and our aircraft are maintained within strict CAA requirements.
We try to cater for families and like to see young and old not only up in the air but also involved at a social level with us. We have members aged from 17 to over 80. You need to be 17 to hold your private pilot’s licence, but you can start working on it from a younger age.

The Young Eagles programme is designed to encourage people aged 14 to 18 to learn about aircraft and flying. Our activities help development towards becoming pilots, aeronautical engineers or other aviation careers.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Young Eagles, email us at cfi@nelsonaeroclub.co.nz and we will send you a registration form.